Christian Hedonism

"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Post I Swore I Would Never Make

Many months ago, before this blog began, I hardly even knew what a blog was. I never imagined myself giving updates on my life to anyone who wants to see them. In fact, I can't even remember when I learned what a blog actually was. Even after I began posting on blogger, there were definitely certain things I would limit. Yes, this is, in a way, a journal. But it's not my journal - at least, not exclusively. This is your journal. It's here for you to read and to learn from. It's here so that those who love and care for me can keep tabs with what is going on in my life.

I would have never imagined that I would write this post - not even for the quite small audience who reads my posts. Typically when I am around people or writing to people, I put on some mask: I either lighten up and act like everything is okay or I grab some ashes and rub them under my eyes to show sorrow (not literally). When I'm expressive, I'm expressive. Many times I have tried to heavily confine such openness. At times it is a good thing; other times, not so much. But here I want you to see that I, just like you, am a poor, sad, sick soul in need of every ounce of mercy and grace and love I can grasp.

Here is the explanation. (All of this information has been gathered from my Gmail journal):
• Started a journal entitled "The Journal of Jon" (Thurs., Sept. 22, 2011)
• Worked my first shift at DQ (Fri., Sept. 23). I was quite excited at the time. Little did I know what would happen to that job.
• Submitted an entry entitled "The Unknown Prayer" (Wed., Oct. 12).
• Continued to see "rays of hope in God's word" and believed that God "[was] not far away" (Wed., Oct. 12).
• Almost was rear-ended by a fast-moving vehicle (Fri., Oct. 14).
• Attended a funeral (Tues., Oct. 18).
• Put in the happiest entry of my journal to date (Mon., Oct 24).

And the ensuing slope:
• "I'm not alright" (Fri., Nov. 4).
• "Distress and depression are still looming around every corner" (Fri., Nov. 11).
• "Today I descended to what may be the very lowest point of my life. My spirit is in ruins; my heart is broken; my hope has run out. Never in my existence have I felt so helpless, so desperate" (Sat., Nov. 12).
• "What heaviness has been resting on my heart today" (Sun., Nov. 13).
• "Dear God - my God - save me from my own sinfulness" (Tues., Nov. 17).
• "I no longer taste any joy" (Tues., Nov. 17).
• "Every trace of joy that I had once known is now all dried up and withered... My body is wasting away; my spirit is broken; my heart is shattered; my world is gone" (Mon., Nov. 28).
• "Yesterday I was too depressed to get out of bed" (Sat., Dec. 10).
• Lost my job (Sat., Dec. 17).
• "When I woke up in the morning the weight of my sin was ever upon me; that sick feeling in my stomach didn't help at all" (Mon., Jan. 2, 2012).
• "Today I felt as though I couldn't talk to anyone at all" (Sat., Jan. 28).
• "For the first time in a long time, I feel alone" (Mon., Feb. 6).
• "I'm constantly distressed (and depressed). I don't love the word as I should. I struggle to pray" (Sun., Mar. 18).
• "When I look at all that is left to do and the issues of love, friendships, and sincerity tugging on me, I become distressed. It is difficult... My thoughts are only evil" (Wed., Apr. 18).

Yet there was always that ray of hope. Even when all was lost, there was one thing that remained. And I journaled about it, posted about it, prayed about it, strove for it. At the end of almost every entry that contained some mentioning of depression, there was always something about hope.

And that is why I never thought I would post this: because now I see little hope and I feel alone. After all that has happened, how could I ever move on? (Once I knew the answer to that question.) Distress is so faithful to me.

The hurt is heavy.

The pain is deep.

And I feel lost.


  1. Keep writing about this Jon...the writing will help sir. You're not alone

  2. I love you, Jon. The Man of Sorrows can meet you where you are.

  3. I can't tell you how to fix everything Jon, but like the comment above, Jesus the Man of all sorrows knows our souls. He was the only One that truley was alone while on the cross. He knows your brokeness. He bore it Himself. I'll be praying for you.

    Your sister in Christ,

  4. Hey Jon,

    One's first thoughts after reading this is "scary!", but I understand - as much as one could without being you, that is. I was nearly suicidal once. It took me two years to finally give up all my hurt, and realize that the God who has my future is the one who has my past. And, just like my sins, my hurt (including self-hatred) doesnt belong to me anymore. Not like its never been there, or isnt there, but that it seriously isnt mine anymore. Its really hard to surrender that, and to pin it completely on Him, and I was so shocked when I actually did it a few months ago. Now, unlike any time before, I see the beauty in being vaunerable. (say WHAT? :) Not fun, but good. I realized (by God's revelation in my thick skull) that if I'm holding on to my strength, there is absolutely no room for God's strength. And then not only will we fail, but we won't be able to show others the glory of God's strength. Something amazing!

    I know that these things take time, and I realize that I don't know really what your going through, but I find rest and hope in reflection on how God has "pulled me through," even when I was oblivious and even rebellious to His calling. I look forward to celebrating your daily victories with you, and keep up the hope!

    Sincerely in Christ,
    Michaela Danielle <><
