Christian Hedonism

"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper

Friday, February 3, 2012

I Deleted My Google+ Account for This

          Although, at the present time, I do not fully understand why, God has been sending me messages about modesty. Through a blogger I read one woman's side of the issue; through the book Worldliness I heard C.J. Mahaney's perspective. In the chapter entitled "God, My Heart, and Clothing" there are young men's personal accounts of their struggles in the war on lust. One college student said the following:
I'm thankful God has created me to be attracted to women; however, campus is a loaded minefield... To make it through the day unscathed, I have to be actively engaging my mind - praying, quoting Scripture, listening to worship music, or looking at the sidewalk. Many days it takes all four to be safe (Worldliness, p. 126).
Wow! Many days. Not just some days. Now there's a college student who is out to win the war. It is evident in the way that he fights his battles.
          Here is another excerpt from a different young man:
When women that I'm friends with dress immodestly, it definitely has a negative effect on our friendship. When a woman dresses immodestly, it doesn't make it easy to see her as a sister in Christ. There's a constant battle going on as I'm talking with her... When women dress modestly, it's attractive and it makes me want to hang out with them more. I think modesty is so attractive and helpful in friendships because it makes it easier for a friendship to be centered around God and for fellowship to be unhindered (Ibid. p. 128).
          Now, I could go on and on with other quotes from different books I've read and courses I've taken on this issue, but that really isn't necessary. It is critical that every woman in the church realizes that every man, outside and inside the church, struggles with lust. (Women outside the church need to realize this too, but they must first receive the gospel).
          In case there is any chance of a Christian woman reading this blog entry, I will say this: godly men don't want to hide your beauty. The human body is a wonderful thing, but it is our own sinfulness that creates shame and lust. Thank you so much - and by "so much" I mean more than I can describe - to all of you who are such wonderful examples of godliness in the way you dress. Your sanctification seen in the way you dress is more beautiful than any dress, shirt, or swimsuit could ever compare to.


  1. It means so much for a guy to step up and talk about this - quite courageous. And really, your opinion - or should I say conformation - is so valueable to us also. So much confusion here where there neednt be.
    Interesting you refer to the battle as a "minefield", or a "battlefield". Us girls deal with it too, and it really is.
    Anyway, thanks Jon.
    Sincerely a sister in Christ,

    Michaela Danielle <><
    (from kickthesystem-un-conformed.blogspot)

  2. Thank you, Michaela. Yours was the blog I made reference to.
    God bless.

  3. Really?! It is a small world, isnt it. Was that before or after I joined your blog?
    At least I know my blog isnt too boring to read. :)
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Michaela <><

    ps- Sorry about not getting back to this sooner. Honestly I havent checked back til now. Oops.

  4. It was after you started following mine. And no, your blog is very thought-provoking; it isn't boring at all.

  5. Thank you. But I wouldn't have anything to write about if not for HIM. So, you see, I can't take much credit :)
    Did I read that you work with CEF, as in Child Evangelism Fellowship? I've been involved in that ministry for 4 years. Good stuff.
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Michaela <><

  6. Yeah, I was recently hired here in Evansville (my hometown) as a ministry assistant. I sent you an email about it, because I saw CEF on your profile, but I don't know if you got it or not. That's really cool.

  7. Just checked and it doesnt look like I did. My spam nabber is pretty fierce - it's intercepted a few friendly ones in the past. The "contact me" spot on my profile page doesnt work because... well... I actually blocked it because I've gotten unwanted emails in the past. Nothing personal, I assure you! What did you have to say, bro?
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Michaela <><

  8. Oh, all I was saying was that I saw the CEF badge on your page. I asked what state you lived in and mentioned my recent hiring by CEF.

  9. Cool, though I can't give away my location. Northern USA, hows that for vauge? :D Just personal policy on the Internet; again, nothing against you.
    How long have you been with CEF? Whats your experience?
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Michaela <><

  10. I understand. The Internet can be a dangerous place.
    I started in 2008 as a Missionary Assistant, was a Summer Missionary from 2009-2011 (an Advanced SM in 2011), and became Ministry Assistant for my local chapter a couple weeks ago.

  11. I started over 4 years ago, which would be 2008 also. Taking TCE II this June (Advanced last summer), and hopefully going on further as a "leader" in future years. I co-teach a GNC in my town.
    I love how CEF has their own lingo :) It sounds so official and important, ex: I co-teach a GNC, have been an SM for several years, many ABCs a summer, have mastered the BL but have never gone on GNAA. Haha
    Today my "other" employer (I work at a local health retail store as worker-in-general/health-consultant-in-training :) met with me today and spoke of some schooling and ministry oportunities in the years to come, so the future is sooo not in my hands. But exciting!
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Michaela <><
