Christian Hedonism

"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today is a day I will remember for the rest of my life. It has been said to me, at some point in the day, that life now begins. Many times I have been asked what I will be doing next fall. People have asked me if I feel different. But I would contend that the premises behind many of these inquiries are based on a flawed focus.

"Life Begins Now."
Lie! Now I'm sure that whoever said that to me was kidding to some extent. However, take into careful consideration how we process graduations. We translate the transition into a new beginning to life. Well, the only beginnings to life there are, that I know of, are conception and spiritual birth. An assumption that some new kind of life begins now is an assumption that I need to change my way of living, that I need to change my habits. I am always in need of that change. Now that I have graduated, that does not mean that I will be a super-holy person. God is always sanctifying me.

"What Are You Doing Next Year?"
This is a great question. I just don't want people to prioritize what I will be doing educationally over what I will be doing for my soul. The emphasis in God's word is not what we do, it is how we do it. And how we do things is to be to the glory of God in the name of Jesus Christ.

"Do You Feel Different?"
Yes, I feel like I can get away from all of this preparation junk and just party! What do you mean do I feel different? I tend to take that as going along with the first statement: "Oh, well now that you've graduated, you can really start living for Jesus. Now you're important."

Closing Thoughts
Graduated people are no more important than children inside their mothers' wombs. Will I have more options? Yes. But never try to tell me that now I can become a true missionary, that I'm more important, that I can start real ministry now, or that life somehow begins now. A new phase of life may start now, but my prayer is that I have not wasted my life thus far and that I will not in the end.

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