Christian Hedonism

"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper

Monday, August 27, 2012

Death is My Gain

Most of me thinks that the number of people who read this blog could be counted on one hand.

But all of me is fine with that.

There is something more to life than holding out my empty love cup asking anyone and everyone I find to fill it up for me. That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters in life - yes, the only thing that matters in life is Jesus Christ. He's worth dying for. And if He's worth dying for, He's worth living for.

His chief command: The Great Commission - go everywhere, preach the gospel to everyone, make disciples of those who believe, and baptize them.

Last night I heard a quote: "Preach the gospel, die, and be forgotten" (Count Zinzendorf). To the natural ears, that is a wretched sound. Yet to the ears of the believer, it is beauty. Paul put it like this: "For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). One of the chapter titles in John Piper's best-selling book Don't Waste Your Life is, in my opinion, a wonderful quote: "Risk is Right: Better to Lose Your Life than to Waste It."

This blog exists - I exist, then, to preach the gospel. I will give liberally and live dangerously. I'll take risks, knowing that death will bring better reward than safety ever could. My Bible will be studied until the pages fall out. Everyone around me will know that I'm not of this world; I'm sent into it to tell of my Saviour.

So for me, to live is to honor Christ with everything; when my time has come - at age 17, 97, or somewhere in between - death is my gain.

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