Christian Hedonism

"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Journal Entry on Summer 2012

          The end of the best summer of my life has come. Sure, there were challenges; it wasn't a cakewalk. My faith has been tested and tried; my worldview, changed; and my perspective, altered. But God has proven faithful. His word was found true over and over again as Grace and I relayed verses to one another during clubs, as I exhorted Esther, as I read every day. "Spending and being spent" - that was the summer's theme for me, especially for 5-Day Clubs. That living word from 2 Corinthians 12:15a caused me to labor harder for the gospel. While I was struggling at CYIA, the ironic words I have been crucified with Christ kept ringing in my mind - and through those very words I found true life. Romans 8 assured me over and over that there was absolutely no condemnation for me. Hebrews continually pushed me to seek Christ. Different statements made by Jesus in the gospels have caused me to change my budget, my way of thinking, my desires for life and godliness. First Chronicles has brought me much joy this week, and by October 2 I will have completed reading the entire Bible for the first time. It's strange to think that there is a part of God's word - from God's very breath - that I have yet to read.
          Almost as an indicator of autumn, the air has been just a touch cooler the past two days - my first two weekdays after clubs. The sounds of Esther's voice and children's laughter is ringing in my ears. The hours Grace and I spent in the car together are all coming back to me. I see faces. Children's faces. And they remind me how much of a joy it is to give the gospel to young ones... and how much this world needs the gospel. In my mind, my body is rushed back to training, back to Kem Hall where I see Heather, J.D., Beth, Ethan, Bridgitte, Sally, Esther, Grace, Ashtyn, Laura, Don, Sherie, Jessica, Hannah, Zach, Vanessa, Emily, Kelsey, Nick, Mike, Kaleb, Kiarah, Faith, Jeffry, Nathan, Christy, Connie, and so many other complexions and stories. They may have names ranging from 2-9 letters, but their names represent entire lives, stories, experiences, struggles, triumphs.
          And then there is me. Hi, my name is Jon Ross... but I am not the Jon Ross of June 2012. No, this is a different person. Since those days at training, I have had struggles. I have seen many mountains and valleys; I have fought many wars; I have battled villains, monsters, and invisible forces; I have wrestled against that which I cannot see, and I have hoped for what my eyes cannot yet behold; I have been beaten to the ground; I have stood on the peak of a mountain higher than Everest; I have discovered there is a friendship closer than that of family; I have been transformed by things spoken; I have fallen by thoughts; I have risen by power; I have died by a piece of wood; and I am alive here and now by a Man who re-entered His body against all the will-power, hurls, and force of all of Hell and the Devil and his angels - and yes, that Savior, Jesus Christ, has won; and through Him I have won the battles of Summer 2012; and by Him I will win again this fall.
          Christ is a Treasure. I have seen that more and more this summer, more than I have ever before. At long last, my life and living are coming to the realization and full conviction that any and all good I have is in the Lord Jesus Christ. As I have written previously, my only desire is to be found in Him and known as His. And on this day, August 7, 2012, I look and I see myself in Christ alone.
          So for all the beauty of the earth; for the lines that say, "In Christ alone my hope is found" and for the Word that demands my life resound the same; for butterflies and clouds; for letters and emails, texts and calls; for love greater than fear, stronger than death, and better than life; for the friend that is closer than a brother and for the friend closer than a sister; for the gospel that saves me and continues to change me; for the God I love, my life, my joy, my song, my all - thank You, Father. Thank You for the fullness of Your person and for the perfection of Your deeds. Thank You for colours and the nations. Thank You for leptons and galaxies, for ants and lions. Father, thank You for Psalms and Romans, Luke and 2 Kings. For science, for nature, for energy, for the invisible, for stories, for truth, for Your Word, for life, for love, for happiness, for heartache, for the poor, for Yourself, for Your Son - thank You, O God.
          And for Your name and Your renown, that all the earth may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent - be glorified.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012, 5:11 PM

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