Christian Hedonism

"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."
~John Piper

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Why it is Rational to Believe in a God - Part 3

The God of the Bible

I understand that the Bible is not always an easy book to understand. Last week I was told that a verse I gave to one of my coworkers was vague, and I could not argue with the claim. Indeed, there are parts of the Bible that seem vague and verses that are rather general. But is this book truly reliable historically, archaeologically, and practically?

Why the Bible can be trusted:

1. Fulfillment of Prophecies
This is one of the strongest arguments for Jesus as the Messiah, the Christ. Countless prophecies were made about the Christ in the Old Testament from Genesis 3 to Malachi 4. If Jesus was just a man, He would have had no control over the fulfillment of most of these prophecies. For instance, in Micah 5:2 it is predicted that a Ruler, who has always been, will come from Bethlehem. Hey, guess what - about 400 years later Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.

And seeing the trustworthiness of so many prophecies fulfilled already, I have no problem trusting ones made about the future.

2. The Unity of the Scriptures
It has long been known that the Bible has a unified, non-contradictory message. If there were any true antitheses in the Bible, they would have been exposed long ago and the Bible would not be trusted still.

It is amazing that a book so large could have a harmonized message, but it does because it is God's word.

3. Historical and Practical Details
To that one might argue, "Well, the Qur'an doesn't have any contradictions either."

What sets the Bible apart from any other religious book is its detail. It does not merely tell of a miracle - it states what kind of miracle. And not only did the Bible record miracles, but it gave the specific setting.

There are several claims in the Qur'an that no one else can write a surah as beautifully as is in the Qur'an itself (Qur'an 2:23; 10:37-38; 17:88; 52:33-34). Not only is this challenge - the likes of which never appear in the Bible - so vague, but it has been argued by many that surahs that are as artistically beautiful as the ones in the Qur'an can be written both in English and in Arabic.

4. The Testimony of Witnesses
Had Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John reported falsehood in any of their manuscripts, it would have been known all over Jerusalem. The first gospel was published within 30 years of Jesus' death, so the events would have been witnessed by many people of the day, and all lies would have been exposed. Also, there would have been an uproar in the early church that one of its own members was writing lies about Jesus, the builder and cornerstone.

None of the authors of the gospels wandered out and sat under trees claiming they had a "revelation." They didn't claim to have seen visions of angels or plates or anything of the like. They wrote historically, accurately, and specifically. No other "holy book" can adhere to such standards.

5. The Affirmation of Historians to Follow
Of course, the main historian Christians point to is Josephus. But there were also others after the time of Christ who came and reported the things being spoken by people of the day. Those testimonies affirm the validity of the resurrection story as laid out in the Bible.

Consider this quote by Josephus from Antiquities, book 18, chapter 3:

Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named for him, are not extinct at this day.

6. The Death of the Apostles
Out of the 12 apostles mentioned at the outset of Luke's book of Acts, 11 were killed for their faith; and the one who wasn't, John, was exiled. James was beheaded, Peter was crucified upside down, and Andrew hung on an X-shaped cross for three days. It is probable that the others were burned or beheaded. But why would they suffer their all at the expense of a lie? Had they not fully believed the things that they saw with their own eyes, they would have refused to be hunted and killed for Jesus' sake. But their convictions were set because they knew the truth firsthand, and they sealed that truth in their blood.

7. The Conversion of Skeptics
It is painfully evident there are few people today - if any - who hated the idea of the deity of Jesus as much as the Hebrew Saul did. He was a savage toward the early church. Even Jesus' brother James was unbelieving at first.

However, James was persuaded otherwise. Today one of his books, bearing his own name as title, is contained in the New Testament.

Saul was struck down in an encounter with Christ. Having later been renamed Paul, his life took the most drastic change in all of history as he was joined to the church he once persecuted. Eventually he wrote 13 Scriptural letters (and others not placed in the New Testament) to defend the faith he once tried to destroy.

Through the ages, several instances of the like have occurred because of the living and active word of God.

8. The Survival of Israel
If, as God declares in the Bible, Israel is God's chosen people to be saved in the last day (Rom. 11), Israel's establishment as a geographical nation and endurance as a people fits in perfectly. How can such a small nation of not so many people survive in the hardest geographical area of the world?

Their only hope: Emmanuel.

9. Practicality
I could never bring myself to trust the Bible if it were not for its practicality. No one wants a religious book that gives only abstract statements and general commands. The more I study the Bible on my own, the more I see its usefulness in the real world, and the better I understand the person of Christ Himself.

Every major area of life - sports, marriage, child-raising, depression, fear, anxiety, love, hardship etc. - is dealt with in a specific way in Scripture. In fact, because of the teachings of Paul (1 Cor. 9:24-27; 1 Tim. 4:8), I exercise, and I do it with a purpose in mind. Why? Because the writings are specific and practical.

10. Personal Testimony
I used this argument in a previous post for the existence of a god. But this can also be applied to the authority of the Bible as God's word. There are several people I know, and many people through history, whose lives have been radically shaken by the word of God. C.S. Lewis, the atheist-converted-Christian, became one of the 20th century's greatest thinkers and authors. A.W. Tozer was also a member of the 20th century whose life was radically shaken when he heard the word of God preached. J. Hudson Taylor, C.H. Spurgeon, and many others had mirroring experiences.

And I myself will testify to the power of God's word. It truly is eternal life to those who are being saved (1 Cor. 1:18). When I began junior high school, I was not a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, in my new youth group, of which I am now a co-leader, I was challenged to read the word of God. I did it to gain approval and reward. But in the end, I found a much greater reward than I had ever imagined. Truly digging into God's word for the first time brought me to repentance and saving faith in a way that has permanently changed my life.

I am changed - God is witness.

These are only some of the arguments. There are still more. But I don't think they are necessary because herein I find every reason to believe that (1) God exists, (2) He is the God of the Bible, (3) His Son is Jesus Christ, (4) Jesus rose from the dead, and (5) salvation is found in no one else.

Here I charge not only that it is rational to believe in a God but that to believe in any thing else or to worship any god other than the God of the Bible would be irrational. I say this with deep conviction and affectionate love for all agnostics, atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, and members of every other religion or institution. I do not condemn anyone because it is not in my authority or will to do so, but I also firmly hold to my deep-felt conviction of the truth.

And I humbly invite you to share with me the joy I have found in knowing God and being found in Him.

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